Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Lemon Grass

Sorry for the lack of entries in the past two weeks. I just feel settled after the move from SOCal to Berkeley.

Today's plant is Lemon Grass, or Andropogon or Cymbopogon Citratus, depending on if your use is medicinal (Andropogon) or culinary (Cymbopogon).

It's great in Thai dishes and Indonesian plates. The maintenance manager at the Hoyt Cooperative states that this herb is growing in our garden for use in cooking, but I have not yet taken the time to spot it. I will search it out today and most likely include it in my meal if the plant is established. One must harvest it from the bulb, not leaf, so finding a plant that is healthy with multiple shoots is essential to continual harvest.

images are from:
and This website also provided delicious recipe tips for lemongrass.


WR said...

You can make a juice out of the bulbs, too.

Lemongrass juice is very popular in Thailand now. =)

WR said...

Which plants do you study for your research? Any YFP? (your favorite plant)

I used to work with Arabidopsis and Silverleaf Whiteflies back in UCR. I and the postdoc worked a bit on squash and we just started to work on broccoli when I graduated.

PS: I just cook a famous Thai Tom Yum soup (hot & spicy soup) this Sat, which required lemongrass as a main ingredient.


WR said...

Wow! I like this comment thing too... ;)

Thanks for reading my blog & comment. Many pple read my blog but few comment something, so I feel left out sometimes (just sometimes).

If you want to k.i.t. more outside the blog, my email is "". I can be somewhat helpful with planting. At least I don't kill plants like someone (no name mentioned here)...

Otherwise, I'll be commenting on your blog, my blog & other blogs.

Plant rules!!!