Tuesday, November 27, 2012


This morning I puked for the first time this pregnancy. Puke + diarrhea + Braxton-hicks Contractions all morning = I'm kinda freaking out right now.

There is a reason for this. And it's not just that a banana didn't agree with me this morning.

Excited. Trying to take everything in stride.
This week is THE conference. The one that I have been working toward all year. The one where I present my research. The one where I spend all of my waking hours surrounded by space geeks. The one where, after 3 years of service, I finally get to pass on my presidential duties to another student.

My poster is printed, beautifully trimmed, and ready to go.
Life is good. Breathe in, breathe out.
This afternoon I have a doctor's appointment which will confirm I'm fit to travel. I have a childbirth class in the evening. We then have to cart the bunny over to a friend's house who will be watching her for the rest of the week. Sometime in there I need to pack and make sure all of my T's are crossed.

So much to do, such a queezy feeling.

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