Tuesday, September 04, 2007

Native Plants

Want to find a lily that will survive without water? Want to start a native garden but don't know where to start?

Here's a great resource to help you learn what grows in your part of California. It even includes photos like this one!

California Native Plant Link Exchange:

It's easy to use. For instance, my parents live in Ventura County and they'd like to plant something that will flower year after year without replanting. So they click on "Ventura" in the county listing. It takes them to a new page that lists native plant nurseries in the area. If you scroll down on that page, they'll see a topographical map of the county, and just below that is a listing of native trees that grow in the county. They can then click on the "Perennials" link and that list will change to a massive list of native perennials that will do well in their county. Click on any plant and you'll see everything you could want to know about that particular plant, including a photo, common names, links to other sites with photos, and what nurseries should have it in stock.

Here's a link to the entry on a native lily:

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